The Future of Finance: An In-Depth Look at DeFi in the FinTech Landscape

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Swapnil Sonawane, Dilip Motwani


The financial services industry has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi)  and financial technology (FinTech). These two innovative fields are using advanced technologies, such as blockchain and others,  to provide more secure and transparent financial services, and to increase financial inclusion. This paper aims to examine the  relationship between DeFi and FinTech and their potential impact on the future of financial services. The focus is on the key trends  and developments in both fields, and the opportunities and challenges they present. We will analyse the ways in which DeFi and  FinTech can work together to create a more inclusive, secure, and transparent financial future. The goal is to shed light on the  potential of these two fields to disrupt traditional financial services and chart a new course towards a more open, secure and  transparent financial future. By studying the intersection of DeFi and FinTech, we hope to provide valuable insights into how these emerging technologies can shape the future of financial services and help create a more inclusive and secure financial system.

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