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The Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering journal is published by the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU and aims to disseminate technical scientific works, from the country and abroad, in the areas of Engineering, Information Technology, Management Sciences, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical & Allied Paramedical and other diciplines of Science the content of which has not been published. Ciência & Engenharia is an international scholar refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice.
A broad outline of the journal’s scope includes; peer reviewed original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and analyses papers, short communications and notes to the editor, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in Engineering, Information Technology, Management Sciences, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical & Allied Paramedical and other diciplines of Science, both natural and man made.
The main aspects of research areas include: Engineering (All Disciplines), Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Geology, Statistics, Accounting, Networking, Information System, Social Science, Mathematics, Management and Economics.
Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering journal is a MULTIDISCIPLINARY international journal which provides platform for research paper publishing.
Wrongly deposit money or extra deposit money will be return back within 03 weeks if respective candidate inform us within 02 days after the date of money deposit or transaction. Journal is not taking publication fee/processing fee/handling fee.