Element Based Searchable Encode in Cloud Computing Using Spheroid Arch Alphanumeric Monogram Algorithm (SAAMA)

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M. Anisha Vergin, R. Ravi


To obtain statistics from two sources, we need minutiae positions from one source and the orientation from one source, and the reference points from both sources. A combined minutiae template is created with the use of obtained statistics. In the field of remote data management services, cloud package has emerged as a major sector.  It raises safe keeping issues because encode is currently the greatest method for avoiding data leakage. A promising method among these is public key encode with keyword rifle (PKEKR), which allows users to quickly rifle through encoded data files and PKEKR come across cloud. The problem is Cloud Server discover the privacy statistics. In our proposed system propose a forward secure Element based Spheroid Arch Alphanumeric Monogram searchable encode scheme. This method is more effective.

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