The Ciência and Engenharia - Science and Engineering journal
e-ISSN: 0103-944X
Frequency: Monthly

The Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering journal is published by the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU and aims to disseminate technical scientific works, from the country and abroad, in the areas of Engineering, Information Technology, Management Sciences, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical & Allied Paramedical and other diciplines of Science the content of which has not been published. Ciência & Engenharia is an international scholar refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice.
A broad outline of the journal’s scope includes; peer reviewed original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and analyses papers, short communications and notes to the editor, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in Engineering, Information Technology, Management Sciences, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical & Allied Paramedical and other diciplines of Science, both natural and man made.
The main aspects of research areas include: Engineering (All Disciplines), Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Geology, Statistics, Accounting, Networking, Information System, Social Science, Mathematics, Management and Economics.
Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering journal is a MULTIDISCIPLINARY international journal which provides platform for research paper publishing.
Aim and Scope
Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering journal is an international MULTIDISCIPLINARY peer-reviewed, electronic, online journal published monthly. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering (All Disciplines), Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Geology, Statistics, Accounting, Networking, Information System, Social Science, Mathematics, Management and Economics. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding are encouraged.
Basic Journal Information
- ISSN: 0103-944X | Frequency | Nature: Online | Language of Publication: English | Article Processing Charges: 150 USD
- Coverage Areas: Although the list is not prescriptive, The Ciência and Engenharia - Science and Engineering journal intends to focus on advances in the following sub-domains:
- Engineering (All Disciplines)
- Computer Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- Medical Science
- Pharmaceutical
- Agriculture
- Geology
- Statistics
- Accounting
- Networking
- Information System
- Social Science
- Mathematics
- Management and Economics
- Types of Papers: The Journal accepts the following categories of papers:
- Original research
- Position papers/review papers
- Short-papers (with well-defined ideas, but lacking research results or having preliminary results)
- Technology Discussion/Overview Papers
- Peer Review Process: All submitted papers are subjected to a comprehensive blind review process by at least 2 subject area experts, who judge the paper on its relevance, originality, clarity of presentation and significance. The review process is expected to take 8-12 weeks at the end of which the final review decision is communicated to the author. In case of rejection authors will get helpful comments to improve the paper for resubmission to other journals. The journal may accept revised papers as new papers which will go through a new review cycle.
- Periodicity: .
- Citation Analysis: Google Scholar Profile | Scopus
- Global Author Contribution Map: Author Distribution
- Geographical Distribution of Authors: India, Iraq, Malaysia, China, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Mexico, Indonesia, Bhutan, Peru, Taiwan, Jordon
- Editorial Geogrphical Distribution: India, USA, UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordon
- Editorial Contribution Percentage in Articles Per Year: 30%