Multifunctional VSC Controlled Solar Photovoltaic System with Active Power Sharing and Power Quality (PQ) Improvement Features
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An adaptive PLL-based method and a generalized "dq" are used to extract the dual features from a multifunctional voltage sourced-converter (VSC) controlled solar photovoltaic (SPV) system that is the subject of this paper. These include an improved active power sharing feature that acts as an active harmonic filter (AHF) and is based on the availability of active power on the DC-side collector bus. In comparison to its conventional counterpart, such as synchronous reference frame theory (SRFT), the presented control is computationally less demanding and straightforward to formulate. This work aims to efficiently extract the various ancillary services that the power distribution system's multifunctional VSC provides. Serving the active power demand of the load connected at the point of interconnection (PoI) in the power distribution network is the primary function of any gridconnected inverter (GCI). However, the fourth leg of the multifunctional VSC can also be used as an AHF to adequately supply the zero sequences harmonic component requirement of the unbalanced and nonlinear load, attenuate the rich harmonic content that is present in the source current, and mitigate the load reactive current demand. In addition, the proposed system typically ensures the operation of the unity power factor (UPF). During solar intermittency, an incremental conductance (IC)-based control method is used to optimize and continuously track the maximum power point (MPP). In the MATLAB/Simulink software environment, transient test cases are used to demonstrate the multifunctional VSC's usefulness. A comprehensive set of experimental studies conducted on a prototype created in the laboratory also confirms its practicality