Assessment of Lung Efficiency of Individuals Exposed to Various Foundry Industries in Satara City
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The airborne dust as pollutants plays a major role in the overall atmospheric pollution. Silica is a chemical term for silicon dioxide (SiO2). The term crystalline silica refers to a crystallized form of SiO2 known as quartz, crystobalite or tridymite; it is the most abundant compound on the earth’s crust capable of causing silicosis and lung cancer upon inhaling large doses in course of occupational exposure. The present study was aim to evaluate the lung efficiency of individuals who worked in various foundry industries in Satara city. Around 300 individuals were enrolled. From selected three locations, 100 individuals were enrolled. All the individuals from the test were given a pulmonary function test. Before the test, a questionnaire was given to them to collect their basic information. Their age, height and weight were also entered in the spirometer. The spirometer gives two values; one is the expected value and the other is actual value. The predicted values are based upon the age, height and weight of the person while the actual values are dependent upon the maximal inspiration and expiration of the person. All the parameters, i.e. FVC, SVC and MVV showed impairment in the large industry workers compared to other two industries workers. A significant difference (p < 0.01) in the actual and expected values was observed in the pulmonary function test individuals of all the three selected industries. The percentage efficiency for all parameters for small industry workers, i.e. FVC (96.42 %), SVC (95.71 %) and MVV (88.69 %) was also good as compared to large and medium industries. At large industry, MVV efficiency was very less (59.66 %) as compared to the medium industry (68.61 %) and small industry (88.69 %) workers. In the SVC also, a large industry worker (69.72 %) showed less value as compared to the medium industry (79.99 %) and small industry (95.71 %) workers. Restrictive defect was 14 %, 36 %, 33 % and 17 % in the large industry workers which was normal, mild, moderate and severe, respectively. These values were very low as compared to small industry workers. Individuals exposed to heavy load of pollutants in air are susceptible for many respiratory disorders. Decrease in the FVC, MVV and SVC parameters were observed in the individuals of large industry assz compared to medium and small industry. This impairment in the pulmonary test parameters are indications of an accumulation of pollutants in the airways, which intern reduces inhalation and exhalation force. So, the people exposing continuously to such silica or particulate matter pollution should be made aware about pulmonary disorders.